First Name
Last Name
What is the project street address, city and zip?
Do you know the APN for the property? If so, please note it here.
Do you own this property or are you looking to purchase?
Are you currently residing at or occupying the project address?
How did you hear about us?
How would you describe your project?
How many square feet do you expect to remodel, to add, to change, to delete?
Which spaces do you expect to change?
What is the square footage of your property?
What is the square footage of your existing building(s)?
Are there any outdoor structures that would be remodeled or newly constructed?
Are you interested in water reclamation for this project?
Are you interested in solar for this project?
Are you interested in interior furnishings services?
Are you interested in landscaping design services?
Is your project's end-of-construction date related to a family event?
Which of the following plans do you currently have for your property: topographical survey, site plan, existing as-built plans pertaining to your site and buildings?
Which of the following documents do you currently have for your property: soils report, geologist study/geotechnical report, planned development, conditional use permit, sound study, historical analysis, grant deed, title report, water rights use?
What are your general goals for this project?
What criteria are you using to select an architect? (eg. experience, reputation, creativity, price)
Have you worked with an architect before? What is the most important factor for you in choosing an architect?
Are you friendly and do you have a good sense of humor?